In 2008 at the heights of my depression before the stock market crash I had a self centered useless investment advisor that had coaxed me into shale natural gas exploration for a huge bank sponsored commission. My brother and I got close to a 10 bagger with another related one initially it but I was then a heavily indoctrinated JW when all this happened. I somehow thought that the gain was worldly and greedy ( I know, yes stupid is an understatement ) and didn't know what to do. I asked her to come explain the play to us buy she never did have time to come around as things happened real fast in summer early fall and my brother was blinded by the gain, thought it was blue sky going forward.
Well what happened one night is I woke up with a jolt around 1 or 2 in the morning and had just realized that I had to cash out of everything and get to the side lines fast, was just a huge gut feeling as I'm sort of an HSP ( highly sensitive person ) As I tried to get up to think things through and pull my statement and write down some notes to face my manipulative arrogant " investment counselor" I was pinned to my bed, all limbs and body paralyzed. I could barely move my head and felt so exhausted ( as I was suffering for overwork burnout trying to rune my own business and toe the JW line making everyone happy trying to be good at everything ) that I passed out back to sleep. The next morning I hardly remembered any of it and thought I must be overreacting. Took a few weeks until I realized what happened and I though it must have been a supernatural cause, not. By them my portfolio had tanked another 10% and would eventually loose all and even more of any previous gains. Can you say greenhorn ?